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RIM Hook NewBay Software Company

Research in Motion (RIM) has just made ​​a purchase of a cloud-based content services company based in Ireland. This purchase RIM is rumored to catch up with its competitors in terms of content offerings.

NewBay-company purchased RIM-developed software for use in mobile phones and computers. With this software, users are allowed to create and share digital content such as photos, video to pengudpatean networking site.

Reported a large number of networks has long cooperated with NewBay, call it T-Mobile USA, Deutsche Telekom, Telefónica O2, Orange France Telecom, U.S. Cellular, ATT, Telstra and Verizon.

He reportedly already has more than 80 million subscribers with content services provided via the cooperation with a network giants.

Not specified nominal digelontorkan NewBay RIM to buy, but the media and analysts predict RIM to pay $ 100 million to purchase the company is based in Dublin.

Quoted from IrishTimes, Saturday (08/10/2011), RIM will not be moving the location of NewBay software development center in Dublin. The center has 200 employees and it will be RIM's first facility in the territory of Ireland.

An analyst, Mike Abramsky said RIM jumpsuit in this area is rather late compared to its competitors. "RIM is late coming in this market compared to the first offer made ​​by iCloudnya Apple, Amazon.com by Cloud Drive and services from Google," says Abramsky.
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