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Aha introduce Aha Coolpad

 In order Indocomtech 2011, Bakrie Connecitivity introduced its new Android-based tablet, Aha Coolpad. The tablet is continuing the successor to the previous tablet, AhaPad.

Aha Coolpad promoting local content that is not contained in any tablet. The local application that is AHAvibe, AHAshop, AHAgames, AHAstars, and AHAmail. With the advantage of the application, users can directly download the application needs without having to download it first.

The tablet is using the device Coolpad M31 with 7 inch WVGA screen sizes supported 800 MHz processor from Qualcomm, also features a 5 MP camera. The presence of these tablets by the Bakrie Connectivity is a variant of the smell in the generation of AHAs tablet but with Khsusus bidding.

During this Indocomtech, Android tablet is released at a price of 2.199 million, the normal price in the market 2.599 million. "Especially during Indocomtech we give special offers," said Anandita Danaatmadja, Marketing and PR Manager Bakrie Connectivity on the sidelines of the launch of the AHA AHA Coolpad the Booth, JCC Senayan Jakarta, Wednesday, November 2, 2011.

The new tablet has a 3.1 Mbps connection to the network EVDO Rev A. selian able to complete the features and voice, as well as modem and WiFi router for internet connection 5 gadgets.

With these special offers, Bakrie Connectivity is a commitment to provide affordable services by the community. "This is our commitment to providing services that promote factors convenience and affordability of Internet experiences for the community," said Erik Meijer, President Director of Bakrie Connectivity.

In addition, the AHA also provide special offers that is a USB modem prices starting at 99 Thousand AHA, AHA Blackberry Smartphone from prices starting at 499 thousand, AHA Android Smartphone Touch priced at 999 thousand. This offer is valid for Indocomtech 2011.

Source :

Released Windows XP SP3 Virus Edition ( 2012)

Click Picture to zoom :) 

Setup Process (Edition and Credit)

Setup Process 


Program Setup (Autorun Disk)

Program Avilable Inside Disk

This is a screenshot of the Windows Virus Edition 2012. With new theme and  new software include.

 Software Available On The Disk :

Anti Virus:
1. Avira Premium 2012 + key
2. AVG Free 2012
3. KasperSky 2011
4. KasperSky 2012
5. PC MAV 4.6
6. SMADAV 8.7

1. Microsoft Office 2007
2. Microsoft Office 2010
2. Adobe Reader 10 
3. doPDF version 7.2.3

1. JetAudio version 

2. AIMP version 2:51 
3. Nero version 10.5 
4. Adobe Photoshop CS5 
5. Picasa version 3.6
6. Power DVD Ultra 3D version 10.0.15
7. Video Convert Master version 8.0.10 
8. GOM Player
9. K-Lite Mega Codec Pack version 7.0  
10. Version of the Opera 11:01


1. Tune Up Utilities 2011
2. Unlocker 1.8.8 version 
3. CCleaner version 
4. PC Wizard version 1.94


1. Google Chrome
2. Mozilla Firefox 7.1
3. Opera v 11

Games and Others: 

1. All Games House 
2. Plant VS Zombie
3. Arcade Pack 5:10 
4. Beta IDM 6:03 
5. Hiren Boot CD 
6. Rocket Dock 
7. Silverlight 
8. Winrar 4.0
9. Internet Download Manager 6
10. Unlocker

Sorry we have not been able to upload the file because the conditions of time.
But if you live in Lampung you can retrieve the file "WindowsXP3Ve.iso" in our admin.


Windows Virus Edition

Sorry in advance for Microsoft:)

Here I want to share just in it about the Windows XP SP3 is already my friends and I edited, which we named "XP SP 3 Virus Edition".Actually this is long enough windows in the release, but I have not had time to make posts to it.
It all started from just a fad just because I saw too many people who have changed the windows, such as "Mursid Baran, Black Editipn" and others.Not too many sisitem that I changed, bahakan not at all, because I do not really know about the structure of the system. Understandably I am not a programmer. Hehehehe : )
But even so had to be obvious differences between the standard XP3 and XP3 Virus Edition.

Because in it have found some software that is:
Anti Virus:

  1.     AVG free Version 9 
  2.     Avira Premium 10 (Active until September 2011), Avira Personal, Plus File Update    September 2011.
    : Sorry for Avira Premium 10, because it was expired until September so kindly requested to download Avira Premium 12 you can download
  3. Kaspersky 2011
  4. PCMAV 4.6    
  5.  Smadav 2011 Rev 8.4
1. Microsoft Office 2007 

2. Adobe Reader version 10 
3. doPDF version 7.2.3

1. JetAudio version 

2. AIMP version 2:51 
3. Nero version 10.5 
4. Adobe Photoshop CS5 
5. Picasa version 3.6
6. Power DVD Ultra 3D version 10.0.15
7. Video Convert Master version 8.0.10 
8. GOM Player 2011
9. K-Lite Mega Codec Pack version 7.0  
10. Version of the Opera 11:01


1. Tune Up Utilities 2011
2. Unlocker 1.8.8 version 
3. CCleaner version 
4. PC Wizard version 1.94


1. Google Chrome
2. Mozilla Firefox 
3. Opera version 11

Games and Others: 

1. All Games House 
2. Arcade Pack 5:10 
3. Beta IDM 6:03 
4. Hiren Boot CD 
5. Rocket Dock 
6. Silverlight 
7. Winrar version 4.0 

 For the curious to try to install Windows "XP SP 3 Virus Edition" in the PC / notebook bias contact us on Blog, Facebook, or Twitter. Sorry we do not bias his image file upload to the Internet because the connection constraints and adequate file hosting sites. (Be advised to look for free:))

 1. Windows users no longer need to buy / download the software, because
software in it already includes almost all the basic software.

 2. Have a different look than the standard version.
 3. No need to install the hardware drivers (If it is detected by our windows)
 4. Windows is the work of the nation of Indonesia.
 5. More compatible with new software.


1. It took a little longer during installation.

Sorry for Microsoft, I did not intend to abuse the copyright Microsoft, but I just wanted to simplify the user Microsoft Windows. In other words I help the Microsoft. : )


Windows Virus Edition

Maaf sebelumnya buat Microsoft :)
Disini saya cuman sekedar mau sharing tentang Windows XP SP3 yang sudah saya dan teman-teman saya edit, yang kami beri nama “XP SP 3 Virus Edition”.
Sebenernya sudah cukup lama windows ini di rilis, namun saya belum sempat membuat postingan untuk itu.

Ini semua berawal dari sekedar iseng-iseng saja karena saya melihat banyak orang juga yang sudah mengubah windows, seperti misalnya “Mursid Baran, Black Editipn” dan lain-lain.
Tidak terlalu banyak sisitem yang saya ubah, bahakan tidak sama sekali, karena saya tidak terlalu paham tentang stuktur system. Maklum saya bukan seorang programmer. Hehehehe
Tetapi walaupun begitu sudah dapat terlihat jelas perbedaan antara XP3 standar dan XP3 Virus Edition. 

Karena didalamnya sudah terdapat beberapa software yaitu :

Anti Virus :
  1. AVG free Versi 9 
  2. Avira Premium 10 ( Aktif sampai September 2011), Avira Personal, Plus File Update September 2011.
    Catatan : Maaf untuk Avira Premium 10, karena sudah expired sampai bulan September jadi dimohon untuk download Avira Premium 12 anda bisa mendownload disini.
  3. KasperSky 2011 
  4.  PCMAV 4.6 
  5. Smadav 2011 Rev 8.4

Office : 
 1.      Microsoft Office 2007 
2.      Adobe Reader versi 10 
3.      doPDF versi 7.2.3

Multimedia : 
 1.      JetAudio versi 
2.      AIMP versi 2.51 
3.      Nero versi 10.5 
4.      Adobe Photoshop CS5 
5.      Picasa versi 3.6 
6.      Power DVD Ultra 3D versi 10.0.15 
7.      Video Convert Master versi 8.0.10 
8.      GOM Player 2011 
9.      K-Lite Codec Pack Mega versi 7.0 
10.  Opera versi 11.01

Tolls : 
1.      Tune Up Utilities 2011 
2.      Unlocker versi 1.8.8 
3.      CCleaner versi 
4.      PC Wizard versi 1.94

Browser : 
1.      Google Chrome 
2.      Mozilla Firefox 
3.      Opera versi 11

Games dan Lainya : 
1.      All Games House 
2.      Arcade Pack 5.10 
3.      IDM 6.03 Beta 
4.      Hiren Boot CD 
5.      Rocket Dock 
6.      Silverlight 
7.      Winrar versi 4.0

Buat yang penasaran ingin mencoba menginstall Windows “XP SP 3 Virus Edition” di PC/Notebooknya bias hubungi kami di Blog, Facebook, atau Twitter. Maaf kami belum bias mengupload file imagenya ke internet karena kendala koneksi dan situs file hosting yang memadai. (maklum cari yang gratisan :) )

Kelebihan : 
1.      Pengguna Windows ini tidak perlu lagi membeli/mendownload software tambahan, karena
       software didalamnya sudah mencakup hampir semua software pokok. 
2.      Mempunyai tampilan yang berbeda dari versi standar. 
3.      Tidak perlu menginstall driver hardware (Jika terdeteksi oleh windows kami) 
4.      Windows ini karya anak bangsa Indonesia. 
5.      Lebih kompetibel dengan software-software baru.

Kekurangan : 
1.      Membutuhkan waktu sedikit lebih lama saat penginstalan.

ScreenShot of The Windows Virus Edition

These are some screenshots of windows XP3 version of Virus Edition

Autorun Of Windows Virus Edition.

View 1

View 2

View 3

View 4

View 5

View 6

View 7

 View 8


Getting Started Creating Sony 'PlayStation 4'

Sony reportedly has begun to develop a successor to the latest gaming console PlayStation 3. Not tangung-hearted, 16 cooperate with each other game studios working on the console.

Yes, little by little the presence of the successor to the PlayStation 3 finally began to lift. This time it's not about the specs or features are brought, but a number of developers who agreed to work on the console.

Quoted from develop, Saturday (22/10/2011), at least 16 game studios under the Sony agreed to co-develop 'PlayStation 4'.

"We want to hear opinions from all developers about the latest console hardware design," said Shuhei Yoshida, President of Worldwide Studios, Sony Computer Entertainment.

It is not certain when the console is to be completed manufactured, but is expected to be introduced in the 2013 Christmas holiday season. Meanwhile, Sony will remain the focus of marketing the PlayStation 3, Vita, and Move.

Source : 

Android is Stolen Products

Steve Jobs dan Android memiliki sejarah hubungan yang tidak baik. Bahkan dalam sebuah wawancara beberapa waktu sebelum dia meninggal dunia, Steve mengatakan bahwa Android adalah produk curian.

Hal itu disampaikan Steve Jobs dalam sesi wawancara untuk kepentingan biografi Steve Jobs. "Saya akan menghancurkan Android, karena ia adalah barang curian," demikian ujar Steve pada Walter Isaacson, sang penulis buku "Steve Jobs".

Hubungan Apple-Google memanas tatkala mantan CEO Google Eric Schmidt mengundurkan diri dari posisinya di dewan direksi Apple terkait peluncuran Android. Diberitakan, Steve Jobs merasa dikhianati atas aksi Schmidt.

"Saya akan meluncurkan perang termonuklir atas ini," tegas Steve dalam biografinya seperti yang dikutip detikINET dari Cnet, Jumat (21/10/2011).

Pernyataan Steve tersebut tentu berhubungan dengan tuntutan hukum yang berkali-kali diajukan oleh Apple pada para partner Android. Misalnya Samsung dan HTC serta vendor lainnya.

Dilaporkan, kini Android besutan Google posisinya makin kuat di pasar. Menurut biro riset ComScore, sistem operasi Android dipakai di 43,7% smartphone di Amerika Serikat, lebih unggul dari Apple yang memiliki persentase 27,3%.

Source : 

Discount iPhone tempted fact Taxable deceive Thousands of Dollars

Tempted with Apple products, a man eventually became a victim of fraud and money losing thousands of dollars. IPhone fraud occurred in Adelaide, Australia.

Fraudster was originally arrived at a restaurant in Adelaide with 'armed' identity card that resembles Apple's original. He reportedly brought some IPAD and iPhone products offered at bargain prices.

Offer abal-abal tempting even this one guy to buy the product and negotiate. Nominal amount of USD 6000 was agreed for 5 pieces iPad and iPhone 10.

Quoted from News.com, Sunday (23/10/2011), the fraudsters then packed up his belongings after the deal happen, and returned to the car with a reason to take a payment book.

Once again, the seller abal-abal was then handed the package that is packed like a genuine Apple product on the victims and handing over money occurred. Well, the problem occurs when the victim opened the package.

Instead of getting the iPad and iPhone, when checking the package, he instead found the cornstarch and Chinese newspapers. Now, police are looking for the perpetrator is reported to have a European accent.

Source : 

Iris, pun Siri for Android

Siri has become one of the most interesting features in the iPhone 4S. Then what would happen if similar feature was made for Android phones?

Siri, is software that utilizes sound to frequently asked questions, give recommendations and perform a number of commands that integrates web services, location, or even video.

In addition to IOS, this application was originally planned was also released for the BlackBerry and Android, but canceled because Apple bought in April 2010 which later became the exclusive feature on the iPhone 4S.

Specifically for Android users, there are similar applications called Iris (opposite the name of Siri) created by young programmers from India, Dexetra.

"All of a sudden I want to make a similar application (Siri-red) for Android," wrote Dexetra via his official blog.

Dexetra also admitted to not take long to make the application Siri play on this, moreover, he has long been in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

"It took eight hours to create a layout and design, as well as incorporate some voice commands. Including a few answers of humor," added Dexetra.

Iris can be downloaded via the Android Market. When tested, Saturday (22/10/2011), although still in the stage of negligent but this application is quite entertaining with little expense.
Interested to try?

Source : 

Construction of 1,000 3G base stations, Axis Appoints Ericsson

Axis Mobile operators entrust the construction project 1000 base transceiver stations (BTS) for 3G services High Speed ​​Packet Access (HSPA) to the network vendor Ericsson.

"Based on the cooperation contract, Ericsson will build more than 1,000 2G and 3G towers in late 2012 for the Axis," said Michael McPhail, Chief Technology Officer of Axis, said in a statement on Sunday (10.23.2011),

On the value of a contract to build the network. But certainly, the construction technology HSPA-based 3G networks will strengthen the expansion of data services being intensified Axis.

The statement also mentioned, in the Axis aggression to expand mobile broadband network, earlier this week has started an open tender process to lease the provision of telecommunications tower 5000.

"As we move toward a society that are connected in one network, mobile broadband speed and capacity of data becomes very important," added Michael.

Across its network, Axis claims data rates will increase significantly up to 42 Mbps which will increase the speed of browsing the Internet, send and receive email or download and upload data.

Only, in order to achieve such speeds, Axis takes a second block of the 3G frequencies that are currently still in a 'dispute' and waiting for firmness regulators.

Axis launches its services for the first time in April 2008 and now expands to more than 400 cities in the country. After three years of competing, Axis has more than 15 million subscribers.

Source : 

Dezzo D938, Mobile Projector Affordable Prices

Mobile phones are now not only serves as a medium to call, send messages, play games, listen to music, watch TV, or access the Internet, but also was able to function like a projector. This feature is trying to be appointed by Dezzo with new mobile phone series, D938.

"D938 Dezzo special because it is a phone with a projector that is packed with technology at affordable prices," said Anna Sastromulyono, Marketing Manager Indonusa Community - Dezzo mobile phone distributor, in his statement on Sunday (10/23/2011).

Anna claims that buried projector technology capable of displaying a sharp image visualization on a flat up to 120 inches.

Dezzo D938 comes with candybar design is quite large measuring 105 x 56 x16mm, but look stylish with a black bandage that wraps the entire handset. Embedded screen is quite large, nearly filled its body size of the size 2.8 inches.

For menu operation, dual phone on GSM which cost Rp 1.288 million is to rely entirely touch of the hand because the screen is a full touchscreen tech. Below the screen is only available menu buttons, call and end call.

Complementing its launch, the exhibition will be held at the Roxy Mas on 28 October to 6 November, the users who choose this model will get Rp 50 thousand vouchers, free MMC cards as well as a number of movie theaters that can be watched via mobile projector.

Source : 


Risky Overheat, Sony Bravia Televisions Pull 1.6 Million

Sony will make the withdrawal or recall of 1.6 million units of Bravia LCD TVs in different parts of the world. Various Bravia models have indicated that will be withdrawn where there are defects in components that may overheat and can lead to smoke, even fire.

The incident was reported malfunctions Bravia TV 11 times in Japan. However, various models are not only sold in Japan alone, but also in many other areas.

Television is at risk is made ​​in 2007 and 2008, all models 40 inch LCD. The model will be in the recall are the KDL-40D3400, KDL-40D3500, KDL-40D3550, KDL-40D3660, KDL-40V3000, KDL-40W3000, KDL-40X3000 and KDL-40Z3000.

"If you have any of these products and you find something abnormal - sounds strange, unusual smells or smoke - please turn off immediately and unplug the power cable," said Sony, as quoted from dailymail, Saturday (10/15/2011) .

There were no reported injuries or injuries related to malfunctions in the television. Most of the above models sold in Europe and the United States and Japan. A few more in other countries. Sony also promises a free repair.

"If you have one of the products mentioned, we invite you to contact the nearest Service Center. Sony service representative will come to investigate your TV and will fix it if there are components that are affected," Sony said in a statement.

Source : 


CEO of Sony Ericsson Regrets Ignore iPhone

In an interview, Bart Nordberg, Chief Executive Office Sony Ericsson today deplored the company that ignores the company founded Apple when Steve Jobs first introduced the iPhone in the year 2007.

"It would be better if we are taking more seriously the presence of the iPhone," Nordberg said that when it's not the CEO of Sony Ericsson. As is known, they had become a major player in the mobile industry and smartphones but is now out of the top 5 in the two segments that.

However, as quoted by Engadget, October 6, 2011, currently he is confident that the company's decision to commit to Android is the right decision. "Android our strategy thus far succeeded, and is the best move we ever made," Nordberg said.

Nordberg said he refused to join with competitors such as HTC, Samsung, and LG which also supports Windows Phone. Just like Motorola, Sony Ericsson is one of the few manufacturers who only focus on Android. The reason, says Nordberg, Windows Phone is still inferior compared to other operating systems

"Currently we do not feel comfortable investing in a platform that is not necessarily as good as we now use. For that, we kept in touch only with Android, "Nordberg said. "However, we remain curious about the development of Windows Phone," he said.

Going forward, Sony Ericsson also plans to increase their presence in the United States. For information, just like Nokia, for years the Sony Ericsson just focus on the European market with the assumption that the region will continue to be the center of the smartphone industry.

Once the presence of Apple, and then followed by Google, the industry changed and forced Sony Ericsson took steps to seriusi market in the country.

Source :

RIM Introduce the BlackBerry Tag Function

Co-CEO of Research In Motion (RIM) Jim Balsillie introducing new ways for BlackBerry smartphone users to connect to one another and share multimedia content.

Tag BlackBerry, RIM so call it, will converge at the latest BlackBerry OS update 7. This function allows penggguna share information phone numbers, documents, URLs, images and other multimedia content by simply tapping or touching their BlackBerry together.

Reported by Cellular-news and quoted on Monday (10/10/2011), BlackBerry Tag also allows users to directly add a new friend as a contact in BlackBerry Messenger (BBM).

"Tag BlackBerry is an innovative and exciting features that make sharing contact information and multimedia content easy and not complicated," said Balsillie.

He said, BlackBerry Tag opens a new dimension to the powerful BlackBerry platform, simple and intuitive. He is optimistic that this feature will be welcomed by users and developers as well.

BlackBerry Tag utilize technology called Near Field Communications (NFC), which is already embedded in the 9900/9930 or the BlackBerry Bold and BlackBerry Curve 9350/9360/9370 Dakota. And this is the first BlackBerry smartphone to support BlackBerry Tag.

RIM also plans to open the BlackBerry Tag through the API on the BlackBerry platform, enabling software developers take advantage of functionality 'tap to share' in the applications they create.

Source :